Debian Popularity Contest

The popularity contest project is an attempt to map the usage of Debian packages. This site publishes the statistics gathered from report sent by users of the popularity-contest package. This package sends every week the list of packages installed and the access time of relevant files to the server via email. Every day the server anonymizes the result and publishes this survey. For more information, read the README and the FAQ.

To participate in this survey, install the popularity-contest package.

Popcon statistics for source package

First package in section non-free for fields: intel-microcode firmware-misc-nonfre intel-microcode intel-microcode firmware-linux-nonfr

Statistics by subsections sorted by fields

First package in subsections for fields

subsection       : inst                 vote                 old                  recent               no-files             
admin            : broadcom-sta-source  lmbench              lmbench              lmbench              broadcom-sta-source  
base             : 
comm             : openzwave-controlpan asterisk-prompt-es   openzwave-controlpan asterisk-prompt-es   asterisk-prompt-es   
database         : pgcharts             pgcharts             pgcharts             pgcharts             pgcharts             
debug            : libfdk-aac0-dbg      libfdk-aac0-dbg      libfdk-aac0-dbg      libfdk-aac0-dbg      libfdk-aac0-dbg      
devel            : nvidia-profiler      nvidia-profiler      nvidia-cuda-gdb      nvidia-visual-profil google-android-sdk-d 
doc              : libcupti-doc         libcupti-doc         libcupti-doc         libcupti-doc         gcc-12-doc           
editors          : emacs-common-non-dfs axe                  axe                  axe                  emacs-common-non-dfs 
electronics      : eagle                eagle                eagle                eagle                eagle                
fonts            : fonts-ubuntu         fonts-ubuntu         t1-xfree86-nonfree   fonts-ubuntu         ttf-xfree86-nonfree  
games            : steamcmd             steamcmd             steamcmd             steamcmd             mame-extra           
gnome            : nautilus-dropbox     nautilus-dropbox     nautilus-dropbox     nautilus-dropbox     nautilus-dropbox     
gnu-r            : r-cran-rjsonio       r-cran-rjsonio       r-cran-rjsonio       r-cran-rjsonio       r-cran-rjsonio       
graphics         : icc-profiles         cuneiform            cuneiform            cuneiform            icc-profiles         
hamradio         : odr-audioenc         odr-audioenc         odr-audioenc         odr-audioenc         odr-audioenc         
httpd            : libapache2-mod-fastc libapache2-mod-fastc libapache2-mod-fastc libapache2-mod-fastc libapache2-mod-fastc 
interpreters     : 
java             : nvidia-openjdk-8-jre nvidia-openjdk-8-jre nvidia-openjdk-8-jre nvidia-openjdk-8-jre sun-java6-jre        
kernel           : nvidia-kernel-suppor nvidia-kernel-suppor nvidia-kernel-dkms   nvidia-kernel-suppor nvidia-kernel-suppor 
libdevel         : libcupti-dev         nvidia-cuda-dev      libcupti-dev         libcupti-dev         nvidia-opencl-dev    
libs             : libnvidia-ml1        nvidia-alternative   libnvidia-ml1        libnvidia-ml1        nvidia-egl-common    
lisp             : 
mail             : qmail-src            ezmlm-src            qmail-src            ezmlm-src            ezmlm-src            
math             : pgplot5              pgplot5              pgplot5              pgplot5              testu01-data         
metapackages     : libmkl-meta-interfac libmkl-meta-computat libmkl-meta-computat libmkl-meta-computat intel-mkl            
misc             : virtualbox-guest-add libmkl-locale        libmkl-locale        libmkl-locale        virtualbox-guest-add 
net              : snmp-mibs-downloader snmp-mibs-downloader snmp-mibs-downloader snmp-mibs-downloader madwifi-source       
news             : trn4                 trn4                 trn4                 trn                  trn                  
ocaml            : 
oldlibs          : firmware-ralink      firmware-ralink      firmware-ralink      fasttracker2         firmware-ralink      
otherosfs        : hfsprogs             hfsprogs             hfsprogs             hfsprogs             spectrum-roms        
perl             : libmath-random-perl  libmail-sender-perl  libmail-sender-perl  libmath-random-perl  libmath-random-perl  
php              : php-horde-javascript php-horde-javascript php-horde-javascript php-horde-javascript php-horde-javascript 
python           : python3-renderdoc    python3-hijra        python3-renderdoc    python3-renderdoc    python3-okasha-examp 
ruby             : 
science          : kstars-data-extra-ty snaphu               fsl-5.0-core         cufflinks            kstars-data-extra-ty 
sound            : faac                 faac                 faac                 faac                 mbrola-en1           
tex              : foiltex              lgrind               lgrind               lgrind               foiltex              
text             : acroread             acroread             acroread             acroread             stardict-english-cze 
utils            : unrar                nvidia-smi           unrar                unrar                p7zip-rar            
video            : nvidia-vdpau-driver  intel-media-va-drive nvidia-vdpau-driver  nvidia-vdpau-driver  nvidia-vdpau-driver  
web              : sun-java6-plugin     otrs2                album                album                sun-java6-plugin     
x11              : xserver-xorg-video-n xserver-xorg-video-n nvidia-driver-bin    nvidia-driver-bin    nvidia-driver        

number of people who installed this package
number of people who use this package regularly
number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly
number of people who upgraded this package recently
number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime and ctime were 0)