Debian Popularity Contest

The popularity contest project is an attempt to map the usage of Debian packages. This site publishes the statistics gathered from report sent by users of the popularity-contest package. This package sends every week the list of packages installed and the access time of relevant files to the server via email. Every day the server anonymizes the result and publishes this survey. For more information, read the README and the FAQ.

To participate in this survey, install the popularity-contest package.

Popcon statistics for source package

First package in section contrib for fields: update-glx update-glx nvidia-installer-cle nvidia-installer-cle libnvidia-egl-gbm1

Statistics by subsections sorted by fields

First package in subsections for fields

subsection       : inst                 vote                 old                  recent               no-files             
admin            : zfsutils-linux       zfsutils-linux       zfs-zed              zfs-zed              libhwloc-contrib-plu 
comm             : bladerf-firmware-fx3 bladerf-firmware-fx3 bladerf-firmware-fx3 bladerf-firmware-fx3 bladerf-firmware-fx3 
debug            : pidgin-skype-dbg     pidgin-skype-dbg     pidgin-skype-dbg     pidgin-skype-dbg     pidgin-skype-dbg     
devel            : repo                 repo                 matlab-support       repo                 libclassworlds-java  
doc              : gcc-doc-base         beast-mcmc-doc       beast-mcmc-doc       beast-mcmc-doc       gcc-doc-base         
editors          : 
electronics      : easyspice            easyspice            easyspice            easyspice            easyspice            
fonts            : ttf-mscorefonts-inst ttf-mscorefonts-inst ttf-mscorefonts-inst ttf-mscorefonts-inst fonts-ibm-plex       
games            : steam-installer      steam-installer      steam-installer      lutris               crafty-books-medtosm 
gnome            : 
gnu-r            : 
graphics         : isight-firmware-tool isight-firmware-tool isight-firmware-tool isight-firmware-tool em8300-source        
hamradio         : 
interpreters     : python-cdb           python-cdb           python-cdb           python-cdb           python-cdb           
java             : 
javascript       : mathjax-siunitx      mathjax-siunitx      mathjax-siunitx      mathjax-siunitx      mathjax-siunitx      
kde              : 
kernel           : nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-common zfs-initramfs        
libdevel         : libzfslinux-dev      libtorch-cuda-dev    libzfslinux-dev      libzfslinux-dev      libamgcl-dev         
libs             : glx-alternative-mesa glx-alternative-nvid glx-alternative-mesa glx-alternative-mesa libnvidia-egl-gbm1   
lisp             : cl-sql-oracle        cl-sql-oracle        cl-sql-oracle        cl-sql-oracle        cl-sql-oracle        
mail             : muttdown             qmhandle             muttdown             muttdown             muttdown             
math             : dynare-matlab        dynare-matlab        dynare-matlab        dynare-matlab        libmagma-doc         
metapackages     : hashcat-nvidia       hashcat-nvidia       hashcat-nvidia       hashcat-nvidia       hashcat-nvidia       
misc             : nvidia-installer-cle nvidia-support       nvidia-installer-cle nvidia-installer-cle virtualbox-ext-pack  
net              : pidgin-skype-common  geoipupdate          pidgin-skype-common  pidgin-skype-common  boinc-client-opencl  
news             : 
ocaml            : libfdkaac-ocaml      libfdkaac-ocaml      libfdkaac-ocaml      libfdkaac-ocaml      libfdkaac-ocaml      
oldlibs          : steam                steam                steam                steam                steam                
otherosfs        : winetricks           winetricks           winetricks           winetricks           winetricks           
perl             : libdbd-oracle-perl   libdbd-informix-perl libdbd-informix-perl libdbd-informix-perl libdbd-oracle-perl   
python           : torbrowser-launcher  torbrowser-launcher  torbrowser-launcher  torbrowser-launcher  octave-astra-toolbox 
ruby             : ruby-graphiql-rails  ruby-view-component  ruby-graphiql-rails  ruby-graphiql-rails  ruby-spamcheck       
science          : indi-asi             horae                indi-asi             python3-seqcluster   astrometry-data-2mas 
sound            : alsa-firmware-loader alsa-firmware-loader mbrola               mbrola               festvox-rablpc16k    
tex              : 
text             : hannah-foo2zjs       freemind             hannah-foo2zjs       hannah-foo2zjs 
utils            : nvidia-modprobe      nvidia-persistenced  nvidia-modprobe      nvidia-modprobe      bumblebee-nvidia     
video            : casparcg-server      casparcg-server      casparcg-server      casparcg-server      casparcg-server      
web              : flashplugin-nonfree  flashplugin-nonfree  flashplugin-nonfree  flashplugin-nonfree  browser-plugin-fresh 
x11              : update-glx           update-glx           nvidia-xconfig       nvidia-settings      openboard-contrib    

number of people who installed this package
number of people who use this package regularly
number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly
number of people who upgraded this package recently
number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime and ctime were 0)