Debian Popularity Contest

The popularity contest project is an attempt to map the usage of Debian packages. This site publishes the statistics gathered from report sent by users of the popularity-contest package. This package sends every week the list of packages installed and the access time of relevant files to the server via email. Every day the server anonymizes the result and publishes this survey. For more information, read the README and the FAQ.

To participate in this survey, install the popularity-contest package.

Popcon statistics for source package

First package in section main for fields: adduser libacl1 discover-data python3.11 cron-daemon-common

Statistics by subsections sorted by fields

First package in subsections for fields

subsection       : inst                 vote                 old                  recent               no-files             
admin            : adduser              debconf              tasksel              systemd-timesyncd    cron-daemon-common   
base             : slang1               isapnptools          isapnptools          isapnptools          slang1               
cli-mono         : mono-runtime-common  mono-runtime         mono-4.0-gac         mono-gac             cli-common           
comm             : usb-modeswitch-data  modemmanager         usb-modeswitch       usb-modeswitch       jami-daemon          
database         : mysql-common         mysql-common         sqlite3              mariadb-common       mysql-common         
debug            : libc6-dbg            libc6-dbg            libc6-dbg            libc6-dbg            libpython3-all-dbg   
devel            : distro-info-data     desktop-file-utils   libc-devtools        linux-libc-dev       libsoup2.4-common    
doc              : manpages             man-db               kdoctools5           man-db               manpages             
editors          : vim-common           emacsen-common       vim-tiny             libreoffice-math     libreoffice-help-com 
education        : artikulate           artikulate           artikulate           artikulate           scratch              
electronics      : avrdude              avrdude              arduino-builder      kicad                kicad-symbols        
embedded         : openocd              openocd              openocd              openocd              tsconf               
fonts            : fontconfig-config    fontconfig-config    fonts-urw-base35     fonts-opensymbol     xfonts-encodings     
games            : hoichess             steam-devices        hoichess             gnome-sudoku         fortunes-it          
gnome            : gsettings-desktop-sc gsettings-desktop-sc orca                 libreoffice-gtk3     cups-pk-helper       
gnu-r            : r-base-core          r-base-core          r-cran-spatial       r-base-core          r-recommended        
gnustep          : gnustep-common       gnustep-common       gnustep-common       gnustep-common       gnustep-back0.29     
golang           : golang-src           golang-github-contai golang-go            golang-go            golang               
graphics         : imagemagick-6-common colord               sane-airscan         sane-airscan         imagemagick-6-common 
hamradio         : soapysdr0.8-module-a gr-funcube           soapysdr-tools       soapysdr-tools       soapysdr0.8-module-a 
haskell          : ghc                  ghc                  ghc                  ghc                  libghc-hashable-prof 
httpd            : apache2-bin          apache2-bin          libapache2-mod-dnssd apache2-bin          nginx-full           
interpreters     : mawk                 mawk                 mawk                 mawk                 lua-lpeg             
introspection    : gir1.2-glib-2.0      gir1.2-glib-2.0      gir1.2-gst-plugins-b gir1.2-packagekitgli gir1.2-wnck-3.0      
java             : java-common          java-common          ca-certificates-java libcommons-parent-ja openjdk-17-jre       
javascript       : javascript-common    libjs-jquery         libjs-underscore     libjs-sphinxdoc      javascript-common    
kde              : kwayland-integration libkf5codecs-data    kactivities-bin      libreoffice-kf5      sonnet-plugins       
kernel           : linux-base           linux-base           firmware-linux-free  linux-image-6.1.0-29 linux-image-amd64    
libdevel         : libcrypt-dev         libc-dev-bin         libnsl-dev           zlib1g-dev           libpthread-stubs0-de 
libs             : libacl1              libacl1              discover-data        libfdisk1            libsemanage-common   
lisp             : guile-3.0-libs       guile-3.0-libs       guile-3.0-libs       guile-3.0-libs       guile-3.0-libs       
localization     : tzdata               tzdata               locales              locales              debconf-i18n         
mail             : bogofilter-common    exim4-config         bogofilter           bogofilter           exim4                
math             : bc                   bc                   lp-solve             lp-solve             gnuplot              
metapackages     : init                 steam-libs           libopenblas0         libopenblas0         init                 
misc             : ncurses-base         popularity-contest   installation-report  ca-certificates      ncurses-term         
net              : iproute2             openssh-client       netcat-traditional   openssh-sftp-server  isc-dhcp-common      
news             : slrn                 inn2-inews           slrn                 tin                  aub                  
non-US           : 
non-free-firmware : 
ocaml            : ocaml-base           ocaml-base           ocaml-base           ocaml-base           ocaml-man            
oldlibs          : usr-is-merged        libcogl20            libclutter-gst-3.0-0 network-manager-gnom usr-is-merged        
otherosfs        : dosfstools           dosfstools           exfatprogs           ntfs-3g              qemu-system-data     
perl             : perl-base            perl-base            liblocale-gettext-pe liblocale-gettext-pe libhtml-parser-perl  
php              : php-common           php-common           php-pear             php8.2-common        php8.2               
python           : python3-minimal      python3              python3-six          python3.11           python-apt-common    
ruby             : rubygems-integration ruby                 ruby-rubygems        ruby                 ruby-dev             
rust             : libstd-rust-dev      libstd-rust-dev      cargo                cargo                rust-doc             
science          : coinor-libcoinutils3 proj-bin             proj-bin             proj-bin             coinor-libcbc3       
shells           : dash                 dash                 bash-completion      bash-completion      ksh                  
sound            : pocketsphinx-en-us   speech-dispatcher    pulseaudio-utils     alsa-utils           pocketsphinx-en-us   
tasks            : task-ssh-server      task-albanian-deskto task-ssh-server      task-albanian-deskto task-ssh-server      
tex              : tex-common           tex-common           dvisvgm              texlive-latex-base   texlive-fonts-extra- 
text             : less                 groff-base           wamerican            wamerican            liblouisutdml-data   
utils            : coreutils            sensible-utils       laptop-detect        bsdutils             readline-common      
vcs              : patch                git                  patch                patch                bzr                  
video            : va-driver-all        pipewire-bin         totem                totem                va-driver-all        
web              : wget                 firefox-esr          wget                 wget                 youtube-dl           
x11              : libx11-data          libx11-data          xauth                xauth                xorg                 
xfce             : libxfce4util-common  libxfce4util-common  libxfce4util-bin     libxfce4util-bin     xfce4                
zope             : python3-zope.interfa python3-zope.interfa python3-zope.interfa python3-zope.interfa python3-zope.interfa 

number of people who installed this package
number of people who use this package regularly
number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly
number of people who upgraded this package recently
number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime and ctime were 0)